Everyone wants their website to rank as high as possible in search engine results because it helps drive organic...
Why is my webpage missing from Google?
We all spend a lot of time, effort, and resources on building web pages for our business. As a web designer and...
How to create a customer-focused landing page
The success of most websites depends on its ability to convert prospects into customers. A well-designed landing page...
What is a child theme and do I need one?
Heads up - this post only applies to you if you have a website built on Wordpress or if you are planning to build on a...
How to remove pages and images from Google sitelinks
Okay, you’ve invested in a beautiful website and worked hard to build SEO-friendly content and pages. One day, you go...
How to customize your 404 error page
Squarespace and Wordpress both provide default 404 error page messages. No one enjoys receiving the error message, and it’s a much better user experience if you have a customized page for your site.
How to duplicate a page in WordPress?
You don’t know how many times I’ve been asked if it’s possible to duplicate a page in WordPress. The answer is,...